Are you attending AWP this year? If so, be sure to stop by booth 615 to pick up some Coffee House Press titles (and to say hello to Mark, Laura, Ülrika, and Linda)!
Want to see Coffee House Press authors in action? Scroll down to see the complete list of panels featuring our authors.
And finally, if you can't make it to AWP this year you can still celebrate! We'll be offering 25% off all titles on our website from March 25-29!
Strange Pilgrims: Asian Americans on Writing About Asia
Featuring Karen Tei Yamashita
Thursday, March 27 from 9-10:15am
Room 402AB, Level Two
Moderated by Kevin Chong with Emmeline Chang, Christine Ma-Kellams, and David Mura
Disaster Gays & Messy Femmes
Moderated by K-Ming Chang
Thursday, March 27 from 10:35-11:50am
Room 502B, Level Two
with Nic Anstett, Puloma Ghosh, Mariah Rigg, and Kayla Upadhyaya
From Satire to Dad Jokes: How Humor Can Be Literary, Political & Funny
Featuring K-Ming Chang
Thursday, March 27 from 10:35-11:50am
Room 502B, Level Two
Moderated by Kathryn Fay with Kristen Arnett, Z. Hanna, and Alana Saab
Anywhere But Here & Now: California Writers Speculate on Our Past & Future
Featuring Karen Tei Yamashita and Sesshu Foster
Thursday, March 27 from 1:45-3pm
Concourse Hall 150 ABC, Level One
Moderated by micah perks with Cathy Thomas
Beyond the Page: Dark Soil
Featuring Karen Tei Yamashita, Angie Sijun Lou, Sesshu Foster, and Ronaldo V. Wilson
Thursday, March 27 from 6:30-8pm
Pico House
424 N Main St | Los Angeles, CA 90012
Concatenations of LA
Featuring Raquel Gutiérrez
Friday, March 28 from 12:10-1:25pm
Room 409AB, Level Two
Moderated by Ruben Martinez with Alex Espinoza and Vickie Vertiz
Of Two Minds: Cultivating a Liminal Space of Poetry & Translation
Featuring Daniel Borzutzky
Friday, March 28 from 12:10-1:25pm
Room 410, Level Two
Moderated by Kristin Dykstra with Laura Cesarco Eglin, Aaron Coleman, and Vivek Narayanan
On the Line: Ethical Approaches to Writing from the US-Mexico Border
Featuring Raquel Gutiérrez
Friday, March 28 from 3:20-4:35pm
Room 404AB, Level Two
Moderated by Jo Blair Cipriano with Logan Phillips and Sophia Terazawa