Unlocking the Exits
Unfinished Building
Unbearable Splendor
Truth, War, and the Dream-Game
To and For
Thousand Star Hotel
Thirsting for Peace in a Raging Century
Things I Must Have Known
They and We Will Get Into Trouble for This
The Weather That Kills
The Tortoise of History
The Steel Veil
The Spoils
The Romance of Happy Workers
The Mountain in the Sea
The Marvelous Bones of Time
The Magic Whip
The Loving Detail of the Living & the Dead
The Iovis Trilogy
The Green Lake Is Awake: Selected Poems
The First Flag
The Falling Down Dance
The Eros Conspiracy
The Cosmopolitan
The Cloud of Knowable Things
The California Poem
The Book of Medicines
The Architecture of Language
The Annotated "Here" and Selected Poems
That Kind of Sleep
Teahouse of the Almighty
Surfaces and Masks
Surface Tension
Starred Wire
Spiral Trace
Special Powers and Abilities
Songs from a Mountain
Somewhere Else
So What So That
So Recently Rent a World
From $22.00
Skirt Full of Black
Sing This One Back To Me
Shut Up Shut Down